Tryavna is a remarkable town preserving the spirit, the culture and traditions of Bulgarian Renaissance Period. It was a town of art- one of the first Bulgarian icon-painting schools was opened here and a woodcarving school too. Tryavna masters were famous all over Bulgarian lands. They have left us precious examples of fine arts that could be seen in churches and houses from XVIII-XIX c. Especially value deserves “St. Archangel Mihail” Church. It dates from XII c. The iconostasis and the bishop throne are made from Tryavna woodcarvers later. They impress with precise work and vividness.
There are typical representatives of Bulgarian Renaissance architecture in Tryavna. The most famous is Daskalova house-nowadays a woodcarving museum.
Tryavna keeps the view of traditional Bulgarian town from XIX c. You could feel it while you’re walking in the cobbled streets and when you reach the town’s square. The clock tower and the church, the shops of craftsmen could turn you back in centuries.