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The exhibition Bulgarian archaeology 2011
The traditional exhibition Bulgarian archaeology 2011 will present the most interesting finds of Bulgarian archeologists in the Archeology Museum in Sofia Bulgaria.
Two necropolises were newly discovered near the village of Baley, Northwestern Bulgaria and Nessebar on the Black sea.
Antiquity was also well presented in the archeological investigations in Bulgaria in 2010.
Among the finds was a Thracian residence on the top of Kozi Gramadi, Central Bulgaria, a trade centre called Pistiros near Maritsa River, old ruins in the centre of Sofia, etc.
The most successful find was a reliquary on the Island of Saint Ivan near the town of Sozopol.
Improvement of the infrastructure in the Valley of the Thracian rulers near Kazanlak, Bulgaria
The authorities in Bulgaria granted additional 1,5 million BGN in August 2012 for further studying and improvement of the infrastructure in the Valley of the Thracian rulers near Kazanlak, Bulgaria. »  BOOK A TOUR
The Thracian horseman god at the Roman Sostra, Troyan, Bulgaria
The archaeologists explored the sanctuary of the Thracian horseman god at the Roman town of Sostra, Troyan, Bulgaria in August 2012. »  BOOK A TOUR
A Roman tomb of 4 century A.D. was excavated in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2012
A Roman tomb of 4 century A.D. was excavated in the South Roman necropolis of Roman town of Philip polis, Plovdiv, Bulgaria in summer of 2012. »  BOOK A TOUR
The artifacts of the Goths tribes of 4 century A.D. in Bulgaria
A clay form for making gold and silver jewelry was found in the Roman town of Nicopolis ad Istrum near Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria in 2011. The archaeologists believe the clay jewelry form was typical only for the tribes of the Goths. »  BOOK A TOUR
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