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New center of UNESCO on non material cultural heritage in Bulgaria
The General Secretary of UNESCO and the Minister of culture of Bulgaria, signed on 25 of October 2010 in Paris an agreement to open a regional center of UNESCO about preservation non material cultural heritage in Sofia, Bulgaria under the auspice of UNESC
The Bulgarian center is the 5th in the world and the first one in Europe. The other centers of this kind were set up in Peru, China, Japan and Korea.
The agreement of the Center defines the activities of UNESCO for preserving folklore traditions in the countries of the region of the South - Eastern Europe as well as teaching activities that would form people in working in that direction.
Improvement of the infrastructure in the Valley of the Thracian rulers near Kazanlak, Bulgaria
The authorities in Bulgaria granted additional 1,5 million BGN in August 2012 for further studying and improvement of the infrastructure in the Valley of the Thracian rulers near Kazanlak, Bulgaria. »  BOOK A TOUR
The Thracian horseman god at the Roman Sostra, Troyan, Bulgaria
The archaeologists explored the sanctuary of the Thracian horseman god at the Roman town of Sostra, Troyan, Bulgaria in August 2012. »  BOOK A TOUR
A Roman tomb of 4 century A.D. was excavated in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2012
A Roman tomb of 4 century A.D. was excavated in the South Roman necropolis of Roman town of Philip polis, Plovdiv, Bulgaria in summer of 2012. »  BOOK A TOUR
The artifacts of the Goths tribes of 4 century A.D. in Bulgaria
A clay form for making gold and silver jewelry was found in the Roman town of Nicopolis ad Istrum near Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria in 2011. The archaeologists believe the clay jewelry form was typical only for the tribes of the Goths. »  BOOK A TOUR
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